With the rise of degenerative diseases, increasing numbers of people are concerned with getting Alzheimer:%$rsquo;s disease, Parkinson:%$rsquo;s disease, or Lou Gehrig:%$rsquo;s disease. Yet there is reason to believe that we don:%$rsquo;t have to succumb to any of these degenerative diseases.
There are steps everyone can take to diminish the chance of losing their memory and improving mental health. These steps are fairly simple, but very strict. No more eating whatever we want, whenever we want. But if it results in better mental health for the rest of our lives, it is worth it.
Free Radicals Attacking Our Health
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Our entire body depends on the strength of our cells to maintain good health. Free radicals attack the healthy cells, chipping away at our cells until our defenses are lowered to the point that we are susceptible to diseases such as Alzheimer:%$rsquo;s, Parkinson:%$rsquo;s, Lou Gehrig:%$rsquo;s, many cancers, heart disease, diabetes, arthriti strokes and more.
Normally antioxidants would fight the free radicals and keep our cells healthy. Unfortunately, with our poor diets, nutrient deficient vegetables and fruits, increased stress and pollution, our bodies no longer produce the antioxidants necessary to fight the free radicals.
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We Need More Antioxidants
How can we increase the antioxidants [http://www.healthyrecipesandmore.com/12/antioxidants-and-free-radicals-the-good-and-the-bad/] to keep our cells healthy and allow our bodies to fight disease$%: The first is to make sure we are getting the vitamins and minerals we need to produce the antioxidants.
Secondly, we need to remove as many of the things from our surroundings and our diets that delete antioxidants from our system. This includes fluoride, mercury, and things like herbicides and pesticides. Pollution is another factor, but if you live in an area with a lot of air pollution, moving might not be an alternative.
Enemies to Our Health
Items that have mercury include silver fillings, vaccinations, cookware, flu shots, aluminum, and public drinking water. When certain of these are combined, the effect is even more devastating for your brain.
Fluoride combined with aluminum causes dramatic destruction of brain cells. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) increases aluminum absorption. Unfortunately, MSG is added to most processed foods and is often not found on the label.
Here is another bad combination: Tea and lemon. Citric acid increases the absorption of aluminum into your system. Tea contains very high levels of aluminum. Since citrus fruits are high in citric acid, adding lemon to your tea actually increases the amount of aluminum absorbed into your body
Processed Foods :%$ndash; No Good
If you want to decrease your chances of getting Alzheimer:%$rsquo;s, Parkinson:%$rsquo;s and other diseases, decrease the amount of processed foods you eat and increase the amount of whole, .
What:%$rsquo;s the matter with processed foods$%: They contain large amounts of excitotoxins which increases free radical production. And the more free radicals you have in your system, the more your cells can be damaged and the larger the chances are you will open your system up to disease. Processed foods are definitely not good.
Sugar :%$ndash; Increasing Our Chance of Disease
It is also important to decrease the amount of sugar you consume, or cut it out of your diet completely.
What does sugar do$%: It dramatically increases your metabolism, and high metabolism is the major source of free radicals. It also works with certain proteins to fight the enzymes that repair DNA damage caused by free radicals. Sugar is definitely not good.
Fasting :%$ndash; Great for Fighting Disease
People who eat a high calorie diet each day have a greater chance of getting Alzheimer:%$rsquo;s and other diseases. Fasting one day a week can do wonders for protecting your brain, but if you have any health problem check with your doctor before beginning any fast.
What does your body need to fight disease$%: You need a nutritious, low calorie diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables (more vegetables than fruits), omega-3 supplements, low amounts of carbohydrates (one slice of whole wheat bread a day), no sugar (or in small amounts), steer clear of fluoride, mercury, and aluminum, and try to fast one day a week.